So… What is it?
An underwater device like none you’ve ever seen before.
Made for everyone - from a child playing in the pool, to a professional diver exploring the ocean floor.
The Bubble Ring
Imagine a smoke ring, but underwater. The concept is simple: when air is released beneath the surface in a very specific manner, the bubble can morph into a ring shape. Through the magic of fluid dynamics, the bubble will hold its form, expanding outward as it gracefully rises to the surface. Not only are they marvelous to watch from a human perspective, but dolphins have also shown a keen liking towards them. In fact, dolphins can produce these rings naturally using their blowholes, and play with them! Here’s a video: https://youtu.be/zzQGMvIFD9o?t=12
The Ring Machine
Alright, so bubble rings exist. But how can we make them? If you’re skilled enough, you may be able to use your mouth. But this requires you to go to the bottom of the pool, flip on your back, hold your nose, and expend air. Then maybe, if you’re lucky, you can get a good ring. But if you want to effortlessly and consistently create perfect rings that grow to dozens of feet in diameter, this device is for you. A simple touch of a lever and the bubble ring is sent on its way, with no electronics and minimal moving parts. All in the size of your hand.
We don’t want to reveal too much about how our flagship product will work just yet - but details are coming soon. Stay tuned!